Czech Language Learning and Teaching (CLLT)
Research Group
The CLLT research group gathers linguists and educators from the Institute of Czech
Language and Theory of Communication at the Faculty of Arts, the Institute of Czech Studies
at the Faculty of Arts, the Department of Czech Language at the Faculty of Education, and
other external collaborators.
The primary goal of the research group is to build the foundation of a research center
focused on the acquisition of Czech as a foreign/second language and other languages by
young learners and adults.
The group aims to strengthen empirically oriented pedagogical and didactic research at the
Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In the Czech environment, linguistic and didactic research
on Czech as L2 acquisition is essentially absent; research directions primarily focus on the
social and socio-cultural aspects of the integration of non-native speakers of Czech, not on
didactic research. The research group also supports the development of teachers’
pedagogical competencies and the methodology of teaching Czech as a foreign/second
language for young learners and young adults.
- To initiate and develop research in Czech as a foreign/second language acquisition and
teaching methodology. - To connect existing, still relatively fragmented, knowledge and to promote its
dissemination. - To support the development of relevant and modern didactic tools (textbooks, teaching
applications, materials fostering socio-cultural competence). - To develop and promote ongoing professional debate.
Research topics:
- Czech as a foreign/second language learned by and taught to young learners and young
adults - Methodological aspects of teaching Czech as a foreign/second language
- Teacher’s role in Czech as a foreign/second language
- Testing and assessment in Czech as a foreign/second language
- Multilingualism/Plurilingualism
- Socio-cultural aspects of teaching Czech as a foreign/second language
- Building and developing Czech language acquisition corpora

Kateřina Šormová
research group leader
Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Charles University, Prague
Research topics: literacy, didactics of writing, language testing, self-assessment in language teaching, acquisition corpora, pedagogical practice in the preparation of future teachers

Svatava Škodová
Institute of Czech Studies, Charles University, Prague
Research topics: Czech language syntax, building and analyzing acquisition corpora,
methodology of Czech as a foreign language, language testing

Silvie Převrátilová
Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Charles University, Prague
Research topics: motivation in Czech language learning and teaching, plurilingualism,
teacher development

Eliška Doležalová
Czech Language Department, Faculty of Education, Prague
Research topics: Czech language didactics, didactics of Czech as a second language, Czech
language development and acquisition, pedagogical practice in the preparation of future
teachers, Czech language didactics in the contemporary educational context
<eliska.dolezalova[at]; eliska.dolezalova[at]>

Jarmila Valková
Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Charles University, Prague
British Council Prague
Research topics: foreign/second language teaching methodology, teacher education and
training, foreign/second language teaching materials development